How to FINALLY lose the Baby Weight! Why I Chose This "Diet" Book?

This post is brought to you by our sponsor, “Always Eat After 7 PM”. The opinions expressed below are my own.

My weight is one of those topics that I tread very lightly. Ever since I had kids trying to get back to my pre-kid size has seemed unattainable. I finally decided that even if never get back to my pre-kid size, I wanted to get down to a weight where I felt healthy and look decent in clothes I love to wear. I’ve tried a few things but most times it made feel like I wasn’t living my life and was preventing from enjoying fun moments with my family. When I heard about Always Eat After 7pm, I was immediately intrigued by the idea of eating after 7pm when all the GURUS said not to. I also have the biggest cravings after 7pm so this was something I wanted to look further into.

Over the next four weeks, I will be sharing with you my journey of reading this book and applying the principles. I officially start tomorrow. You can start anytime so feel free to jump in on this. Step one is to get the book and follow along. The first chapter is eye-opening on the research behind this way of eating. This is not a diet for me. It’s a lifestyle change because honestly, I hate diets. They word itself implies short term results. Now I look for changes I can make that will last longer than 21 days or 30 days. I want a system that fits my life and allow me to enjoy my family. Here is hint, this one does! It actually allows for carbs, dairy, and eating after 7pm. Learn more about the book and how to purchase here.

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This post is brought to you by our sponsor, “Always Eat After 7 PM”. The opinions expressed below are my own.