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How to Get 10,000 Real Followers On Instagram

It is no secret that Instagram has become a force to be reckoned with in the social media world. One of the things we must know is that by 2020 MediaKik is reporting that companies will spend 20 billion dollars in social media campaigns and marketing with influencer just on Instagram alone. That means that instagram IS a huge opportunity for those want to bring in an extra stream of income. I am currently sitting at a little over 43.7K following on my instagram page located HERE

I talk about generating multiple streams of income in The Mompreneur Online Bootcamp in detail, but I wanted to share with you all how I got my first 10,000 REAL instagram followers. You don’t have to buy them. Actually it is against Instagrams policy to buy followers so I highly suggest against it. So how do you grow on Instagram? Here are 5 strategies that you should be doing to grow:

  1. Post at least once a day. The algorithm favors those that are active on the platform. If you are not posting every day then you are not going to grow or be engaged with those that do follow you in the long run. Commit to posting once a day.

  2. Decide on your top three areas that you want to offer. (Ex: inspiration, food recipes, mom life, etc) What do you want to GIVE. It’s all about giving so people will see you as a resource.

  3. Use Instastory  and/or IGTV as often as you can. Another key strategy that Instagram is promoting is the use of video. IGTV stays up on your profile while your instastory is only there for 24 hours. Chose a strategy and stick to one.

  4. Find 30 hashtags that fit your target audience. Chose 3-4 different sets of hashtags and use them in different pictures to get optimal exposure. Also follow the top 5-7 hashtags that are in your target audience. Their feed comes up in your timeline, which is a great place to engage.

  5. I go into further detail on growing on Instagram in the Instagram E-course here. If you want to use instagram to generate income or you want to become a social media influencer, I share all my secrets on how I work with major brands in the Mompreneur Online Bootcamp. Feel free to follow and share your instagram page with me in the comments section of this blog.

Growing on Instagram takes time. I started this process back in 2015. It has taken me all these years to get to where I am and I am still learning and growing. Don’t believe the lie that it’s too late. It’s not too late, it’s prime time for you to grow  social media. You will thank yourself in a few years.