My Heart Is Heavy…

Something is weighing very heavy on my heart to share. At this point in my life, as a Christian, African American woman, wife, mom, US Citizen, business owner, blogger/content creator, grad student. I’ve taken most of this year evolving, observing, learning, being quiet, focusing on family and marriage. Letting a few projects simmer that I’m working on. There is no rush or race. The longer they simmer the better they will taste😌. I digress.....

I’ve finally come to a point that I’m ready to share a few things. I’m still processing...still evolving..still growing....I’ll be sharing this on my IGTV channel this week...but it’s not an answer, it’s an observation, a heaviness, a concern. It is my hope to begin to share a part of me I’ve never really shared openly, well...I’ve shared it but quietly and quickly. Out of fear of being misunderstood. I’m not perfect and have made MANY mistakes and that has held me down for FAR too long...but the thing about freedom and grace...🙌🏾 whew! 

At my’s time to embrace the hard things. When I became a Dallas CASA member and went through training and now working a case.. God continually tells me “Bridgette, you can do hard things.” What He was telling me is that He was assigning me to a few areas that were not easy to tackle and with HIM...I can do hard things. CASA was just the beginning....and with a bit of nervousness and some excitement I’m ready. Not I think, not I’m afraid....I’ve dealt with those emotion. Now. I’m ready.