Trying to Conceive (Baby No. 3)
A few months ago, I let you all know that we are preparing to try for our last and final child of our family. We said we wanted three children so now that Josiah is almost 15 months, it’s time to start trying again. We’re excited for the journey but it does come with it’s fair share of things you think about. I’ll be 35 in a few weeks so while yes people are waiting much later to have children, the medical doctors still say it’s best to have them before 35. We do however realize that through our faith in God, nothing can stand in the way of His Will! Just look at the two miracles we already have!
So what are we doing to prepare? Well first I’m getting my hormones back in alignment. I have a condition called Prolactinoma and a undetermined diagnosis of PCOS (Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome). It was once a final diagnosis but after researching my case, the doctors are unsure if o actually have it. They believe you need to have a secondary symptom physically to confirm it. Needless to say, I’ve already scheduled and seen my endocrinologist and my OBGYN. They prescribed me Caberglorin to get my prolactinoma in check. I just need to order my vitamins from my naturopathic doctor and start taking them. Once I’ve been on the medication and vitamins for 3 months, then we will start trying for baby number 3. Also, I’m working out, drinking lots of water and preparing my body to carry another child.
I’m excited but also a little nervous. Getting pregnant at 35 is a bit different so I’m just praying I can remain healthy and that all will go well. I will update my blog for our journey. It is my prayer that I help someone that is also trying to conceive and grow their family. We can do this together. Blessings! 😘😘