Doing Life With Bridgette - Dallas based Mom Blog, Christian living, Marriage & Family Life

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How to Start A Wildly Successful Blog (and work from home)

I used to be so skeptical of those people that mentioned that they were making money with their blog. After years of trying it, I got super frustrated and just gave up. That was back in 2014, 5 years ago. I am happy to say that I accidentally picked it back up after having my daughter and wanting to connect with other moms. As my social media presence grew on Instagram, companies started reaching out for partnerships and collaborations. That when they started asking me about my blog. That is when I realized the potential I have now and the potential I had even when I did not have a large following.

If you’re reading this, you are thinking about or have decided to start your own blog. Your in good hands. I will give the step by step guidelines on how to do it and to make it look amazing! There are just way too many blogs out there that are just thrown together. As you can see from my blog, I like things neat and done right. So if you’re ready, let’s get started.

1.) Decided on what you want your blog to be about. I always say think about what your passionate about or even the stage of life your in. Are you a stay at home mom, a college student trying to find their way or a business corporate executive working their way up the ladder? Write about what you would naturally write about. Just start there along with the commitment to be consistent writing at least once or twice a week.

2.) Go to and get started with setting up your blog. Here is why you don’t want to use blogger or another platform. Did you know that if you grow your blog to be successful and start making money that is actually against Google’s policies and if they find out they can shut down your site. You don’t own that blog, Google does so that why you need to set up your site using BlueHost and walk through the steps to set up your site and create an account. To own your site it’s only $3.95/mth which is nothing compared to the potential income you will be making soon. Be sure to choose a URL name and blog name that will grow with you. Go ahead and do that now and then return to this blog to continue.

3.) Now that you have your blog set up on BlueHost, go and make your header using Canva. Go to and sign up for their free service. Create a blog header and an easy logo that represents what your Blog name and URL. If you don’t want to make your own, you can go to and get one made for $5. You can also go to Etsy and type in pre-made logos and get a logo there for around $10-$50. They have really great ones. (Hint: My logo for this site is an Etsy logo; I just customized it a little on my own)

4.) Find a blog template that you like on Etsy as well. Just type in “pre-made blog templates”. Once you purchase they will also show you how to download it on your site. This will set your blog apart from all those out there! (Thank me later)

5.) Set up your about me or bio page. People want to know the writer/author behind the blog. Do research on how to write a really great bio. (Hint: Start with your name and who you are at your core) This will set your blog apart as well.

6.) Commit to writing 5 blog post that is helpful, inspiring and authentic. When people come to your site, they want to see more than just one blog post. Once you have completed your 5th blog post. Start sharing it everywhere you can. On all your social media platforms and ask your friends and family to share.

7.) Are you ready to scale and make money? I have an e-course that will show you JUST how to do this. It truly is too much to explain in one blog post but this on demand course goes into details on how you can make money from your blog and really get your freedom and time back. If you’re serious about starting your blog and making some REAL money doing it, then this course is for you. The course is located here.

8.) I am always here to help. Feel free to reach out or comment if you have any further questions! When your done, post your blog in the comments section! I’d love to read your blog! I’m an avid reader and I love connecting with other bloggers! Enjoy!